Extra Credit!

You can earn up to 10% in extra credit by visiting cultural events. I will announce all acceptable events. For each event attended, submit a paragraph describing the event and how you found it impactful. For each paragraph you submit, you will earn one point and you can turn in up to ten. Please turn in as a TYPED HARDCOPY at any time during the semester.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week 13

Tuesday 11/19: One Point Perspective Project

  • Choose one exercise from below:
  1. Draw an imaginary abstraction of boxes demonstrating your understanding of One Point Perspective. Choose an interesting palate and shade them to accentuate volume.
  2. Take a walk around the art department and find a spot that has an excellent still life area to draw a One Point Perspective composition. Create a simple but demonstrative drawing. We are not looking for details, just the basic shapes that form the composition.

    TOOLS: Pencils, Erasers, Ruler, 11x14 Sketchbook

    Thursday 11/21: Two Point Perspective Project (Final Project)
    • Watch demo and then practice the technique.
    • Using block text that spells your name, demonstrate your understanding of Two Point Perspective. 
    • Shade the letters appropriately to accentuate depth and volume. You may use acrylic paint or colored pencils.
    • Develop a background image to support your text. The background must demonstrate some principle of 2D Design that you have learned in this course. 
    For Instance: 
    1. Your text could be painted white, using grey tones to shade the sides to emphasize Three Dimensionality of the letters, and your background could be a grid or pattern painted with primary colors.
    2. Your text could be painted with warm and cool tones too emphasize Three Dimensionality of the letters, and your background could be a traced image of a landscape painted in chromatic greys.

    TOOLS: Pencils, Erasers, Ruler, Acrylic Paint 11x14 Sketchbook

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